Silver Metals

D2 (1.2379) Tool Steel

1.2379 (D2) tool steel stockholders and suppliers, delivering to the whole of the Middle East. Silver Metal are stockholders and suppliers of D2 tool steel round bar, flat bar and plate. It is a raw material used in applications where improved toughness is required. The alloy benefits from superior wear resistance combined with higher compressive strength. Once hardened, the alloys high chromium content gives the material improved corrosion-resistant characteristics. As a high wear and abrasion resistant steel, D2 offers a hardness range of 55 – 62 HRC. Classed as a high-carbon, high-chromium tool steel, D2 benefits from air hardening and finds use in a variety of engineering applications including heavy-duty press tools, punches, swaging dies, general-purpose dies, gauges and blanking tools

We welcome export enquiries for tool steel. Please contact our sales office for further details.