Silver Metals

1.2738 Tool Steel

1.2738 (40CrMnNiMo 8-6-4) tool steel stockholders and suppliers, delivering to the whole of the Middle East.  It is specially used for Plastic injection die moulds. The characteristics of a material are right sharpening, photo-etching properties with high purity and good homogeneity. DIN 2738 is upgraded version of plastic mold steel 0f 2311, which normally supply in Pre hardened condition. Hardness in as supplied condition 280-320 HB with having uniform hardness. The additional nickel content of 1 % increases through hardening. It has good machinability, suitable for Texturing, fine polishability, adequate corrosion resistance, vacuum-degassed steel.

We welcome export enquiries for tool steel. Please contact our sales office for further details.